Handgun Cleaning Info

Delco Shooting Supply Handgun Cleaning Instructions


· Field Strip Pistol as per instructions found in the owner’s manual.

· Dip brass brush into bore solvent and run the barrel 5 times to loosen dirt.

· Using a Jag or patch puller run solvent soaked patch through barrel.

· Run patch with Remington 40X bore scrubber for an extremely deep clean repeat 3-4 times.

· Run a solvent patch through barrel to remove 40x Bore Scrubber.

· Run a dry patch if it comes out clean then you are done, if not repeat previous step.

· Using an old toothbrush with solvent scrub inside of frame and slide.

· Wipe entire gun clean and lubricate as per manufactures instructions with either a good quality gun grease or oil.

· Reassemble and check for function


· Open cylinder and run Solvent soaked bore brush down the barrel and each cylinder at least 5 times.

· Run patch in cylinder and barrel with Remington 40X bore scrubber for an extremely deep clean repeat 3-4 times.

· Run a solvent patch through barrel and cylinder to remove Bore Scrubber.

· Using an old toothbrush with solvent scrub inside the frame and face of the cylinder.

· Wipe entire gun clean and put one drop of oil on the crane of the cylinder.